Friday, March 02, 2007

Catch up

Ok, so I've been slack... I know it.

So here's the lowdown of the last few months...


I had a great Christmas this year, spending time with friends in a small town called Gangjin. There was lots of food (including one of the largest turkys I've ever seen) and drinks. We did the (not so) secret santa thing and I got some nice pressies. A very relaxing and fun time.

New Year:

Again, new year was spent with friends, this time in Suncheon. We had a cocktail party at Steven's apt, then went in to Juliannas late that night. New Year countdown was spent on the roof dancing and singing and setting off sparklers till the security guard came and kicked us out. Lotsa fun.

My Birthday (6th Jan):

I went out with some friends to the Outback Steakhouse and had a great meal. Then we went on to a night club in Gwangju.

Now I should mention here that Korea makes a distinction between a "club" and a "night club". The typical idea we have of a bar with a DJ and dance music is called a club here in Korea. On the other hand, a night club is this and a whole lot more.

We were led into this huge building which looked something like a grand theatre except the bottom floor was much larger and had lots of tables and a dance floor. There were 3 "balcony" sections with more tables and chairs. We were on the second balcony looking over the whole scene below us.

Up on the stage, there were male strippers dancing as we entered. I was assured there were female strippers as well, but it seems we arrived too late for them. Now don't get to excited here... a strip show seems to consist of a guy doing weird movements which I presume are meant to be sexy and erotic, but which reminded me of some sort of uncoordinated spasm. In a final flourish, the guy would rip off his baggy pants (reminicient of 1980's style "Hammar pants") to be left standing in his g-string... then immediately bolting, as fast as his bandy little legs would carry him, for back stage.

After this bit of amusement, a hanging stage swung down from the ceiling and a girl pop band started playing. At least at first I thought they were playing... then I realised, none of them actually knew how to play an instrument. I don't mean the music was bad... I mean, they were pretending!. The singing was real enough, but all the instruments were just props.

The same thing for the boy band that appeared from under the stage floor a while later.

But the most entertaining thing for the night was a custom known as "booking".

This is where a "host / waiter" is asked to go and get a girl. He / she then goes off to any table in the area, grabs a girls arm and literally drags her back to the table, where she has the choice of remaining to talk to the bookie (usually drunk middleaged businessmen) or bolting back to the refuge of her own table.

I was quite amused, upon returning to our table after dancing, to find out that one of my korean friends, EJ, had been dragged off to another table. What was more amusing was the fact that she stayed there for half an hour... much to the cargrin of her boyfriend.

I have to say a big thanks to Riann for this night. He paid for all of us and spent a not so small fortune for such a great night out.


Ms Parker said...

Yay! Glad that you are updating your blog again.

Can't believe that "Hello Kitty" didn't make it on your blog!

Brent said...

Haha! I've never heard of this "booking" idea, but it sounds like Korea knows what they are doing!

Happy belated b-day Stu!