Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lamentable Lappy

Please bow your heads and send up a prayer to the Great God of Gizmos, Gadgets and Gigabites...

Fred my constant friend and companion... a source of entertainment, wonder (and yes... a lot of frustration) is no more.

Last night at approximately midnight, my laptop shutdown for the last time. After numerous attempts to revive him, it was clear his last spark of energy... his last 1's and 0's had been passed.

I'd like to take a moment to remember the good times....

It was the year of 2003 I went on a quest to the tower in the heart of the city to find that which would fulfill my greatest desire. Alas it wasn't to be found here. It seemed my quest would take me to further, less traveled paths. After a few phone calls, I was advised to go to one of their partner stores and I would find what I was after.

At 3pm (with very little time before I was to start work) I walked into the Yotobashi Mega-store in Umeda, Osaka, Japan. A place full of electrical wonder and wizardry. I soon found my way to
the section I was after and it was here, just minutes later that I first saw Fred. My new Sony Vaio Laptop.

With a whole 1.8Ghz processing power, 80 whole Gb's of hard disk space and 256mb (later upgraded to 1Gb) of ram, this was the computer of my dreams. Windows XP and fully set up for maximum multimedia output, I couldn't ask for anything more.

It was the begining of a beautiful partnership. Together we would build whole worlds of website imagery to be thrown up into that great place of ether... the internet. We burnt disks, we surfed the net and it was Fred who kept me in contact with my closest of friends. That's right, it was he that helped me to become the socialite that I am today.

Alas, after almost 4 years of faithful service, with hardly a glitch in his sparkly little system, Fred is finally ready to move on to the Great Recycle Heap of Electronics.

We shall miss you dearly Fred.

(PS for those of you who don't understand a word of what was just said... my computer has just crashed and died!)


Anonymous said...

But now you get to buy a new, prettier one!!! You can borrow Dwayne for a while if you want (he'll definitely make you want to buy a new laptop)! Yesterday I had to turn Dwayne off because he was making weird whirring noise, and now I know it was because he was mourning the loss of Fred. *tear*


Ms Parker said...


First Brent's, then yours....

A moment of silence.



Brent said...

I can't believe it! The horror! The misery! I feel every drop of your pain, Stu!

Any chance of revival? Do you know what went wrong? Sometimes its a power supply issue...

I live my life in denial!

Goulash said...

It's ok folks... after massive attempts at reviving him, Fred is back (4 hours of playing with recovery discs) although he is still very shaky on his legs and isn't quite out of critical condition.
I think it may be time for a major backup!

Brent said...

Long live Fred!