Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I have nothing to write about but I'm bored and feel like writting so I'm just gonna write a stream of consciousness and see where it takes me. Why do they call it a "stream"? It makes my consciousness sound all wet and slushy and gloopy. Not that I have anything against water....

And I love slushies.

But I hate gloop!

Is gloop a word?

Hate... now there's a word we hear too often. I'm sorry, I take it back... I have a deep abiding, strong anti-liking for gloop. Now I'm sounding like a Canadian. How PC can you get? No one does PC as well as a Canadian? Is that very anti-PC of me to say so? See I'm crap at this!

Crap... now there's a word we shy away from. Rightly so too. Not the Koreans though. They are fine with this particular bodily function. I was watching a TV show on Sunday (or was it Saturday) at about 10 in the morning and they showed, quite clearly, someone pooing his pants! Yuck! Not something I wanna see when I'm having my Sunday breakfast.

Not that I eat breakfast on Sunday. Actually I don't really eat breakfast, but if I was going to, I would most likely do it on a Sunday. Last Sunday was a great day. It was what a Sunday is all about. The day started nice and early at about 9am. I hung with some friends, watched "crappy" TV and then went to one of the coolest coffee shops I've encountered in Korea. Sitting on a deck (yes, it really had a deck) with some great friends (one very cool one I'd only met the night before) drinking coffee in the sun, listening to chilled music... what more could you want.

Truly it's the simple pleasures in life that make things worth while. I like sunshine. I like mountains and beaches. I like laughter. I like companionable silence. I like kids laughter. Adults laughter isn't to bad either. Especially when it comes from a little old Halmonie. Doesn't happen often, but when it does it lights up my life.

Halmonies... now there's an interesting topic here in Korea. The little old ladies who seem to be so frail and yet I'm sure they are the backbone of this country... Anyone younger than them seem to think so!

Monique likes cheese.

Sorry... couldn't think of anything just then. I guess that's called blocking the flow of the stream of consciousness. I wonder if you can stop thinking?

Nope... still thinking.

Pineapple... I bet now I've said pineapple, you can't stop thinking about pineapple... or at least, I bet it keeps jumping into your head for the next few minutes. Why is it that when we get something in our heads that we don't want there, it keeps coming back. Like "Yellow Submarine". I hate that song and yet when ever I hear it, or even the words, my mind rebels on me and keeps singing it in the background.

"We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine...
We all live in a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine, a yellow submarine."

Do you all hate me now?

Back to pineapples. There is a strange phenomenon here in the Po. At one of the main intersections in town, we have people walking up and down the lanes between red lights, selling slices of pineapple. This has to be one of the most dangerous jobs in this country. Have you seen the disregard drivers have for lines on the road... or road rules in general.

Mind you, it's the chaos theory in motion. It works. Mitchell Feigenbaum, Benoit Mandelbrot, James Yorke, you guys were on to something. Maybe a little strange looking at butterflies, but you want proof, come check out the driving here in Korea!
Because no one follows the rules, chaos seems to rule, but if you look closely, there are not as many accidents as one would expect. I think if I were to actually follow the road rules (as I know them) then I would probably cause an accident. Therefore, I think it highly unfair that I've been averaging one speeding ticket a month. Then again, that's only been since I put my Waygook Saram (I'm a foreigner) sticker on my car.... Hmmm? Coincidence?

Still stuck on that pineapple thing.

Ooo I got an e-mail... hang on, be right back....

MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm Kimchi banana bread. Koreans would love it.

Burma! Sorry I panicked.
How can Monty Python be so funny and so terrible at the same time. Where is Burma by the way. For someone who wants to travel around the world on a motorcycle, I really don't know my geography very well. Is it a city or country? How many countries are there? I've lost count. They keep changing them. Every time I look at a new map, they seem to have thrown on another country. If you had to make up the name for a country what would you call it?

Names. I seem to go through stages with being attracted to certain sounding names. My first few girlfriends were (in order) Cassandra, Sandy, Cindy, Mandy. Then there's the whole M thing. The letter M doesn't seem to be working out for me... or maybe it is. But all my long term girlfriends names have started with M. What does this mean? Does it mean anything? Wow... now I'm sounding like a girl. Over analysing stuff is really good for messing with your head. I'm gonna get some flack from that last comment aren't I?

Do you still call it paranoid if it's real? And how can you have a paranoid android? Well... I guess Martin is a paranoid android, but he was from a TV show and I'm fairly sure he's not real.

Why do our eyes get glued to a tv even when it isn't interesting? Here in Korea, they have some of the worst TV I've ever encountered in the world... and that's the English speaking shows. Check out On Style channel if you ever swing by here. the expats here will know what I'm talking about. But it seems just because it's in English, we can't stop watching it. And if a TV is on in a bar or restaurant, our eyes automatically swing towards it. Why is this so?

You're still here? And still reading this garbage? Man, you must be almost as bored as I am.

Ok, I'm going now.

"We all live in a......."

(hehe yes I'm evil!)


Anonymous said...

I'm WAAAAY more bored than you are!! And yes, Canadians can be too PC, but the only other option is a "rude crude dude", like Australians.

Kesi Sunsaengnim

Ms Parker said...

1- You need more blogs like this.

2- You think too much.

3- Even the Beatles had a love/hate relationship with "Yellow Submarine" - actors were hired to do their voices for the animation.

4- On behalf of Canada, let me apologize for being too PC. We certainly never meant to offend you in any way and are saddened by your assertion that we may be overdoing it a bit. We promise to try harder in the future.