Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Photo Challenge

Ok Folks, Let the games commence.

So let me say straight up that this idea was stolen from another blog: photogamers.

I've decided I need to get out and be a bit more creative with my camera, so I'm setting up a blog where we can play a game with our photography. The basic idea is that every fortnight, I'll post a challenge made up of different tasks. We then go out and take photo's of these tasks and post them to a flickr account I've set up. The best photo in each task wins.

Simple? I think so.

So if you're interested, send me an e-mail and I'll invite you to the Flickr group and you can start shooting and posting.

The blog I've set up is PhotoChallenge . You can find the rules for the game there.

I hope you join.

1 comment:

Ms Parker said...

Sounds fun. I'll give it a try.

Can we invite others to join in?